Online Piano Lessons

Benefits of LIVE virtual piano lessons with Jen Marie:

-In-home lessons customized to you specifically.

-No more wasting time and money commuting to lessons.

-Online lessons are more focused and thus help you accomplish more.

-More and speedier growth than simply watching a video course.

My lessons are for you if:

-You can read music. You don’t need to feel fluent, but you should understand the concept of reading bass and treble clefs and need minimal coaching with note identification on the staff. OR you are only interested in chording and playing by ear.

-You want to play for your own fun and enjoyment, not necessarily to be a professional musician.

-You have sufficient time you are willing to dedicate to practicing each week between lessons.

-You are interested in exploring genres of music and skills that might not be offered in “traditional” piano lessons, i.e., pop music, movie music, video game music, playing from lead sheets, playing by ear, etc.

Get in touch now for your free virtual consult!